Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Potty Training Time!

Well, Caleb turned two last October, and with Tia's (Angie) wedding comming up in May, we decided its a good time to start potty training! Caleb's been doing great! He still poties in his pants frequently, but he's starting to catch on. We took him to the store where he got to pick out his own big boy underware, he picked ones with cars on them, and then he picked out his own big boy poty... elmo!
After a week of potty training, I must say... Heres to my mother, who potty trained me... and to all others who have potty trained their children, I raise my glass to you! Bravo! Heaven knows its not easy. LOL

When Caleb presses Elmo's hand, Elmo says "horray! you went potty!" Caleb gets a kick out of it and says "Yay Caleb!" and claps:)


  1. Have you thought about getting any of those potty train in a day books? I have heard a lot of people say that they work...

  2. I got "3 Day Potty Training" by Lora Jensen, I saw it in Parenting magazine... JUST got it Saturday, SO I'm starting that routine today... That was the first time I even saw a specific "day" potty training book... If it doesnt work I'll look for a one day potty traing book:). I never did much research on it, just figured I'd do it the way my mom and Mark's mom and grandmas did their kids, but I REALLY dont want it to take months to poty train, so I figured I'd TRY a book. I'll definatley be excited if it works! Heather, if you hear about one imparticular let me know:).

  3. the one I have heard the most about is the Potty Scotty system, where the child teaches Scotty to go potty and how to deal with accidents and then is encouraged to do it themselves. They also have a potty Patty for girls.
