Monday, June 20, 2011

Announcing the Arrival of Carson Ray Dickinson!

We are SO excited to introduce you to the newest member of our family! Carson Ray was born May 29th at 7:17am weighing in at 6lbs 8.5oz and 18.5" long!

For those of you that would like to hear his "birth story"...
On May 28th at 6am "birth moms" water broke. She wasn't having any contractions so we all took our time getting to the hospital, she was hooked up to pitosin around 11:30am. Thanks to an epidural she labored fairly comfortably (except for, of course, the lack of sleep...). At 7am on the 29th she felt she needed to push, only to find out he had already crowned! She pushed once and he was delivered into my arms!
Honestly, I wondered what it would feel like, that moment when he was born. When I had Caleb there was this overwhelming sense of love that came over me in that instant, something I could never put into words- and I wondered what it would be like, not giving birth to him myself. Well, you can rest assured it was the EXACT same feeling- AND I wasn't in pain from labor! HA!

Carson comes to our family, a great answer to prayer. We are in the process of officially adopting him. We have all the initial paperwork filed with the courts and we are waiting on the first court hearing where the birth parents will officially sign over legal custody. Soon after we'll get a date for our second and last court date, where the adoption will be finalized.

Please keep us in prayer as we finish walking through this process. The birth parents neither one have had ANY problems, and everything is going more smoothly than I could have ever imagined. God truly has put this together from the beginning, and we couldn't be more excited, or thankful for this wonderful gift He's given us. We LOVE having two little boys in our home!

On a related note, Caleb is absolutely smitten with Carson. He sings to him, kisses him, shushes him when he cries, "ssshhh Carson, its ok, Caleb is here. Big brother is here, its ok." He loves to introduce people to HIS "Baby Carson." He is THE BEST big brother, we can't wait to see them interact with each other as they grow!

Big Brother Caleb with Carson
Our little Wide Eyed Baby:) he's such a bundle of joy!!!
Thank you all for your generous love, support, and prayers over the last few years of painful loss, growth, and a new addition we've prayed endlessly for!
With all our Love,
Mark, Jessie, Caleb and Carson

1 comment:

  1. What a perfectt story of God's great love for you and His faithful, perfect timing! Oh, how my heart rejoices!! Love, love, love you!
