Sunday, July 28, 2013

Camping at Chena Lake

Mark finally got a few days off in a row, so we decided to take advantage of it and finally go camping this year! We had planned on going a little further away, but with Jessie's dad in the hospital and Angie ready to have Isabella any time now, we decided to stay close to home:). Chena Lake is about 30min away and has a campground, playground, lake, and lots of trails. We spent most of our time at the lake, we have found our boys prefer the beach to almost anywhere else, they're quite the little fish:). We got to take Anthony with us, which made it all the more fun, especially for Caleb and Carson! I forgot my camera, but I did take pictures with my phone:). We made lots of fun, happy memories!

On the road!

Cuddles in the sunshine

Daddy surfing

Attack of the daddy!

See how the young male challenges the older...

The attack...

See how the young male is overtaken by the smarter, more handsome elder...

Lunch time!

Nap time:)

Back at the beach

Tired Carson... The wind, water, and sun got to him:)


Caleb said, "Mama, there's nothin' better than roasting s'mores with cousins at the lake."

Hot dogs

Happy boy:)

Playing on the play structure

Back at the beach...

And... THIS (for those of you wondering), is how we packed and loaded everything when it was time to come home... ANS we managed to pack up and be on the road in just 47min. LOL

We had a GREAT time, and hope to be able to go camping at least once more before this gorgeous weather is taken over by snow and extreme cold:).

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